Protect your plants from frost

Last year December’s cold snap was devastating for a lot of plants. The heavy rainfall in November followed by a cold snap in December meant that our borderline hardy evergreens were hit hard.

With temperatures now falling, and dipping below zero across Scotland, it’s important to protect plants that hail originally from warmer climes. They need to be moved under cover, into a cold frame, conservatory, mini greenhouse, porch, shed or greenhouse, or given some protection outdoors.

Which plants should you protect from a cold snap?

The plants you need to protect (to name a few) include;

  • Rosemary
  • Phormium
  • Cordyline
  • Lavendar
  • Ceanothus
  • Cistus
  • Camellia

If you’re in doubt, come and ask us, we can advise on any plants that may need protected.

What to do now

It’s important to mulch, fleece and wrap your susceptible plants and pots as soon as cold weather is forecast.  Bring tender plants inside into conservatories, greenhouses, or homes.

Repair greenhouses, mending cracks and gaps. Use fleece and recycled bubble wrap to fend off cold. This also helps to keep plants dry.

Gather frost prone produce i.e. beetroot, celeriac, and scabbage – and store under cover. You can leave carrots in the ground but cover them with cardboard as they taste best if left in the soil. It is worth covering winter leeks and parsnips so that some can be lifted even in a bad frost.

Give evergreen branches a shake after snowfall, as they can snap if weighed down too heavily. Deciduous plants aren’t so much at risk of damage as without their leaves the snow will fall straight through.

Watch your wildlife

By leaving vegetation for as long as possible before clearing it, gives wildlife a chance and provides shelter for insects and food for birds.

Top up bird feeders and position bird boxes to shelter birds and enable them to identify nesting sites in good time.

If it’s cold enough that you think your pond may freeze, pop a floating ball in it.

As ever, if you’ve any questions please do come and talk to us, we’re happy to help!